Taiwan Harvest 豐收 119
The vision of Taiwan Harvest 豐收119 is to plant lighthouse churches bringing Healing, Salvation, Hope, Joy and Transformation to families along Old Route 1 and Route 19 of Taiwan--the western coastal region of Taiwan where people have less access to a church. 1-1-9 happens to be the emergency number in Taiwan, and reflects the urgency to reach the people of Taiwan for Christ, as they have been trapped in idolatry, fear, and spiritual darkness for generations.
We would like to recruit and train 120-240 local or foreign church planting missionaries to plant cell-group churches in 60 towns along Routes 1 and 19 of Taiwan by 2040.
Taiwan Harvest 豐收119 is a project of Mark and Ruth Harbour. Please go to this website for more information: www.taiwanharvest119.com
Visions Made Viable is the fiscal sponsor for Taiwan Harvest 119.
You can make a tax-deductible contribution to Taiwan Harvest 豐收119 using the “Donate” button below (or "Subscribe" for regular monthly donations). You DO NOT need to sign up for Paypal to use your credit card. Below the button that says "Login" it says "No Paypal account? Pay using your credit card or debit card." Click the part that is highlighted in blue. Be sure to save the email you receive after making the donation to print out as your tax-deductible receipt.
Or you can send a check payable to Taiwan Harvest 119 to:
Visions Made Viable
17595 Harvard Avenue
Suite C235
Irvine, California, 92614
Contributions to or for the Taiwan Harvest 豐收119 are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Taiwan Harvest 119 and fiscal sponsor Visions Made Viable provided no goods or services for your contribution.