South China Project

The South China Project is a project that has graduated from Visions Made Viable upon achieving a point of success towards achieving their goals.  We are proud of their work because they planted churches and created businesses in southern China. SCP strongly emphasized indigenous leadership and sent university educated Chinese nationals to build Christian communities and created jobs for local people as well as deployed them around the world. SCP sought to be as self-sustaining as possible by depending on income created through business creation to sustain the work.

Visions Made Viable acted as the long term U.S. based legal and fiscal sponsor for SCP while offering administrative support and capacity building consulting.

* For security reasons, we aren’t able to disclose the actual name of the project or identify project personnel. For more specific information about SCP, please contact Visions Made Viable.

You can make a tax-deductible contribution to South China Project using the Donate button below. Be sure to save the email you receive from Paypal to print out as your tax deductible receipt. Or you can send a check payable to Visions Made Viable with China in the memo line to:

Visions Made Viable
17595 Harvard Avenue
Suite C235
Irvine, California, 92614

Contributions to or for the South China Project are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. The South China Project or fiscal sponsor Visions Made Viable provided no goods or services for your contribution.